Replacement parts for Erzgebirge items
We are sorry, but we have stopped to ship replacement parts.
Nowadays there are so many different Erzgebirge items all over the world, that we can not guarantee that parts fit anymore. Many manufacturers change sizes and designs every few years and it is almost impossible to determine the exact part a customer needs. We had several experiences in the past two years where customers from overseas have been disappointed because the parts did not fit.
We will still get parts for all items bought at within the last three years. Please provide your order number with your request.
The Erzgebirge manufacturers pay great attention that broken or lost parts can be replaced. This is a big difference to manufacturers of cheap imitations from Asia that have appeared on the Volkskunst market lately. The Erzgebirge manufacturers do everything they can to supply you with replacement parts for your Original Erzgebirge items like Christmas pyramids, nutcrackers, incense smokers, music boxes and candle arches (Schwibbogen). For many items those parts are still available long after an item has been discontinued by the manufacturer.
We can get most replacements parts you might need for items made by one of our Erzgebirge manufacturers. The name of the manufacturer is very important if you would like us to get parts for you. If the part was made by a different manufacturer than the item iteself then it is very likely that the replacement part will not fit (e.g. wings for a Christmas pyramid). Particularly overseas customers we ask to inform us as precise as possible about the the part that is needed. The shipping costs for parts to the USA, Canada or Australia are usually between 15,00 to 30,00 Euros and we do not want to disappoint you with a part that does not fit when it arrives (s. below for more information on what we need to know).
These are the manufacturers we can get parts of
- Holzkunst Gahlenz
- Kunstgewerbewerkstätten Olbernhau
- Kunstgewerbe Frieder und Andre Uhlig
- Müller Kleinkunst
- Richard Glässer
- Saico Seiffen
- Seiffener Volkskunst e.G.
- Steinbach
- Theo Lorenz
These kind of replacement parts we can get for you:
- Replacement parts for Christmas Pyramids
- Candle holder for Christmas Pyramids
- Wings
- Wing holders
- Figures and other decorative parts
- Replacement parts for candle arches / Schwibbogen / light arches
- Bulbs
- Electric Candles
- Figures and other decorative parts
- Replacement parts for music boxes
- Figures and other decorative parts
- Replacement parts for nutcrackers and incense smokers
- Parts of the body
- Most other parts of the smokers and nutcrackers that they carry etc.