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Blank flower children

Thank you for the flowers! With a vibrantly colored blossom in hand, the charming flower children from Blank deliver the most beautiful greetings. Artisan Blank outfits his delicate girl figures with all sorts of flowers gifted to us by nature in all four seasons. The flower children are dressed in the pleated skirts that are typical for the manufacturer and are available in both colorful and natural versions.

A Greeting from Nature

Slowly, the last snow of the year melts and the first snowdrops and crocuses sprout from the ground. A few girls have already discovered the early bloomers and are holding their beautiful findings high up in the air. The cheerful flower children from Blank definitely stand out with their oversized flowers on long stems in their hands. Peonies, poppies, daffodils, pussy willows, bleeding hearts and forget-me-nots... there is hardly a blossom that is not in Blank's handicraft range. Even a four-leaf clover is handed over as a lucky charm by one of the flower children.

Some seated specimens have made themselves comfortable next to a flower and are passing the summer day playing a musical instrument. But little by little, the warmth of the carefree days fades. The flower child with the primrose found a yellow bloom towards the end of the year, thus adding a nice splash of color to the gray season.

On the "green meadows" in different sizes collectors can effectively display their Blank figures. As an alternative, the "Cloud with 4 Green Tiers" with the dimensions 23.62×14.96×2.76 inches provides enough space for passionate collectors of the lovely flower children.

Quality from the Ore Mountains

The elegant pleated skirts of the flower children are made of handcrafted natural wood. The magical design of the Blank flower children harks back to the design principles of the 1950s and is brought to colorful life by the detailed painting of the artisans at Blank's. For the unpainted figures, the natural grain on the surface is visible, further emphasizing the manufacturer's individual work with the beautiful wood.

Blank's long-term market relevance in Ore Mountain folk art is also evident in the honoring of its work. Blank's handicrafts were awarded the Prize for Outstanding Traditional Care 2020, among various other distinctions. In the competition, a distinctive piece of artwork was submitted - the large angel cloud with the orchestra of pleated-skirt angels. This enchanting creation encapsulates the craftsmanship and artistic flair that is a hallmark of Blank's Handicrafts.

About Blank Handicrafts

In a workshop in Grünhainichen, the Blank flower children are equipped with colorful blooms, fresh bud branches, and radiant fruits. As early as 1955, Georg Beyer began to make a name for himself with the pleated-skirt angels the company is known for. Today, in a colorful variant, the Blank figures are still made according to the design concept of the 1950s.

Blank's range also includes modern advent lights and Christmas pyramids with angel figures in pleated skirts. Blank Handicrafts has shown perseverance and fighting spirit throughout its company history. After nationalization of the operation in the GDR times, reclamation after the turnaround, and two bankruptcies, Blank Handicrafts is stronger than ever. Today, Uwe Blank continues the company with the classic Blank figures of his grandfather and renewed technology for woodworking.

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